Cool websites you should look at
Here are some cool websites have collected and wanted to share. Enjoy.
Here are some cool websites have collected and wanted to share. Enjoy.
I have worked on the internet for a very long time. I remember the birth of Google. I remember when Flash intros were all the rage. I even remember page view counters and GeoCities. I have built my own websites, including e-commerce sites. I write multiple programming languages and scripts. …
Toronto has been know my a lot of different monikers; “Center of the Universe, Hogtown, the Big Smoke, the 416” and more.
Over the years I have written about the homophobic treatment of gay men by the Canadian Blood Services. I have railed against the injustice of their screening questions and pointed out that even when gay men were allowed to donate the 5 year abstinence required essentially negated the policy. For …
So I have decided to return to Canada. Finding good work in Japan is too difficult, especially where we live. We are in a small town in Tochigi about 2 hours by train North of Tokyo. It’s a very beautiful area, with very large trees and some of the best …
To set the scene, I was invited again this year to help fire a wood fired kiln. It takes days to do, involves dozens of people and my shift is from midnight to 2 am. The Shigaraki kiln is the size of a uHaul truck and there are 5 ports …
I have no idea why but I have been thinking of making this list of songs for AGES! I am not sure why I think sunshine songs deserve their own category. It’s like songs about roses, or the color blue. There is just something universal I guess. Anyway, here are …
I stumbled upon this image of a child’s toy horse from ancient Greece. I found the piece rather upsetting. Perhaps a grandparent made this for a grandchild they adored. Or a birthday gift from an affectionate aunt. You can picture a toddler playing in the courtyard, pulling it along on …
AI generated images are not “Art”. They can be beautiful, even transcendent, but that doesn’t make them art any more than stepping in paint makes my cat the next Picasso.
I recently had what I would consider a good firing. There were a few outstanding pieces of pottery, lots of okay ones, and a few duds. It was successful in part because of advice shared with me by Ikeda-san. I met Ikeda-san through one of my students and this is …