Stupid peasants

Stupid peasants

Now, I’m not normally racist. In fact I like to think with my vast travelling experience I have a pretty healthy view of the world. I have seen how the other half lives so to speak.

When I read things like “Thousands demand teacher’s execution in Sudan” it makes me want to spray paint “Fuck Mohammad” on every billboard I can find. And then lobby my government to kick every Sudanese refugee, and immigrant out of Canada. I don’t want these sort of people in my country. But then I remember that not all Muslims are so fundamental that they cannot think for themselves, just the stupid peasants. I hope that one day everyone in the world can get a decent education so we can put an end to this nonsense.

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  1. Steve

    A bit over the top,don’t you think?Your reaction to this ridiculous situation is…well,ridiculous.

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  2. admin

    No I don’t think so. I wote I felt like doing these things. It is a gut reaction. I am sensible enough to realize that it doesn’t solve anything, and that most of these people are being lead by fanatic leaders with their own agendas.

    I just find it extremely upsetting that people can be lead by an emam or mullah in this fashion. I mean who, in their right mind, can think that killing someone is a rational reaction to naming a bear Mohammad. The peasants would rather be lead than think for themselves.

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  3. Dan

    Agreed, when I read that headline I was floored. Its one thing to allow religion but to execute someone over it? Purely, completely ridiculous. As if Western society needed another reason to mock Muslim religion.

    like Hitchens says: “Religion poisons everything.”

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  4. admin

    Absolutely. Just because they are doing it in the name of a religion doesn’t mean you can’t comment on it, or condemn it. Religions, and religious groups have had it way to easy as far as I am concerned. If this was a group of transit workers, or soccer players, or some other group screaming for her head we would be totally aghast. But since it is a religous group we just seem to take it all in stride.

    The economist has an interesting take on it.

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