Year: <span>2008</span>

I’m sorry

Part of my self-improvement program involves saying “sorry”.  Most self-help programs such as AA or NA involves acts of contrition.  In AA you have to go to everyone you have wronged and ask for forgiveness. So, I ask for forgiveness and promise to try and do better.  My poll, while not exactly …

I’m sorry

Part of my self-improvement program involves saying “sorry”.  Most self-help programs such as AA or NA involves acts of contrition.  In AA you have to go to everyone you have wronged and ask for forgiveness. So, I ask for forgiveness and promise to try and do better.  My poll, while not exactly …

Survey results

  Doesn’t do this at all – 1 Does this rarely – 2 Does this occasionally – 3 Does this sometimes – 4 Does this often – 5 Does this all the time! – 6   Claims credit that he doesn’t deserve; he overestimates his contribution to any success.  (1) …

Off feeling

I am always struck by the feeling that something isn’t quite right on November 11th.   I think it is the polishing of medals and marching of old men that leaves a bad taste.  There should not be a glorification of the military or war of any sort.  Rather we should …