…the closet of Canada.
Every time I start thinking that Alberta might be becoming a little more cosmopolitan it does something like this: Under proposed legislation parents would have the ability to opt their children out of evolution classes and classes that discuss homosexuality.
Really we are looking at two separate issues here wrapped up in one piece of bullshit legislation. First off evolution isn’t so much a theory anymore. It has been around for over a hundred years and no one has come up with a better solution. Unlike some mathematical theories which have been around for hundreds of years unbroken, evolution has been controversial since Darwin’s time and has had hundreds of zealous theists try to break so the fact that no one has puts it up as a damn good “theory”.
While parents may have a religious objection or believe in intelligent design, not allowing their children to be exposed to opposing ideas hurts them. As for the parent’s right to pull to their kids from class, what about a child’s right to learn? It denies them an opportunity to expand their mind and engage in intelligent discourse.
As for homosexuality that is a personal attack. It is a personal attack against every gay person on the planet. If you want to spout off about it being unnatural I can identify over a hundred species in which homosexuality occurs. By religious doctrine only man has free-choice therefore by default it must be natural. Instead religious nutters take an obscure passage from Leviticus, which also condones selling daughters into slavery and stoning your kids, and use it as an excuse to attack and exclude gays. Homosexuality happens. Get over it.
Perhaps Brian Mason, Alberta NDP leader said it most succinctly, “This government just spent $25 million of taxpayers money to give Alberta a new image. All they’ve done is make Alberta look like Northumberland and sound like Arkansas.”