Month: February 2011
Former Marine Advocate fights for Gay Marriage
New Hampshire has gay marriage. Now some republicans are trying to repeal it. He thinks they shouldn’t. How the Hell can anyone actually try to take away someone else’s right. Especially if they are claiming to be true Republicans and be for less intrusive government.
Privacy, point systems, and Analytics
There is a discussion currently making it’s way through the halls of government regarding web analytics and privacy, well more precisely tracking and privacy. Phil Kemelor at Semphonics has a good summary of the FTC report on privacy. The concern is more directed at information brokers than it is at individuals or …
Zuimei launches his new career as the owner of a gay bar tonight! Touhenboku is located in Ueno, a part of Tokyo Japan. The name, Touhenboku, literally translates to “block head” in English which is odd, but if you look at other English/Japanese translations there is a certain amount of …
CRTC killing innovation
I had lunch yesterday with Chris Berry, and inevitably conversation drifted to the CRTC and usage based billing. Usage based billing sounds like a good idea on it’s face. Those who use it more should pay more, right? We do it with electricity and natural gas, so it’s not like …