Year: <span>2012</span>

How do charges against Lance help cycling?

Recently the USADA (Anti-Doping Agency) announced Lance was back under investigation, faces sanctions and is banned from competing in triathlons.  This just after Federal Prosecutors announced they were dropping changes. Armstrong responded, “I have been notified that USADA, an organization largely funded by taxpayer dollars but governed only by self-written rules, …

Record industry charges for dancing and Canada allows it

The Copyright board of Canada has certified new tariffs that apply to music at events; like weddings.  It is called “Re:Sound”  Now I am getting married soon so I am keenly aware of the rubbish that SOCAN (Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada) already pull.  Apparently though …

Pride funding in jeopardy…again

The city of Toronto is again threatening the funding of pride if the Queers Against Israeli Apartheid marches.  Councillor James Pasternak likens the group to bullies, “I think I’m looking for some leadership from Pride to finally say ‘No’ to this kind of bullying and demonization. We don’t pull funding just for the fun of …