Year: 2015
Top movies
I started making a list of the top movies for me personally. It’s difficult because there are so many movies I love and movies that were important at certain times in my life. Here is the first installment of my list. 1) The Darjeeling Limited Directed by Wed Andersen Starring …
punishment without redemption
I have had this post bouncing around in my head for over a week now. Everytime I sit down to write it I decide something else is more important. I suppose that subconsciously I don’t want to think about it but it’s important and something I have become fixated on. …
Movember love
I participated in Movember this past year like always but given the state of my prostate, and the fact it hates me, Movember took on a whole new meaning. Anyway when the survey about Movember came out I wanted to voice my opinion regarding the gifts or milestone prizes for …
Second biopsy
So I had my second biopsy this week. Just like last time I took an Ativan and got a local anesthetic. It hurt more than I remembered but less than I have read some guys experience it. This time however I took the day off. It made it better not to …
Lotto Simulator
I just wrote about playing in the Office Pool. Well Here is a lotto simulator. Do quick pick or play your own numbers. Either way, you won’t win.
Office Lottery Pool
I participate in the office lottery pool. I know better. I work in analytics and I understand statistics. Lotto max consists of 7 numbers each of which can be 1-49. This leaves some 85 million possible combinations. However, they say because you have three chances to play the odds are …
Je suis Charlie, Je ne ai pas peur
Charlie Hebdo published it’s cover amid world wide attention, and it’s largest run ever – a million copies. The cover depicting Mohammad with the phrase “All is forgiven” shows the French resistance to anything smacking of tyranny. Canadian publications including the Star, the Globe and Mail and the CBC have …