Something rotten in the state of Newmarket
My taxes have gone up again this year. Which isn’t too surprising there are only two guarantees in life: death and taxes. Property taxes 2.34% increase Hydro …
My taxes have gone up again this year. Which isn’t too surprising there are only two guarantees in life: death and taxes. Property taxes 2.34% increase Hydro …
I came across some old photos while looking for something on my computer. Zuimei and I in Xian, Zuimei in Shanghai, Me (25 years old) in Dort Kalesei in Turkey, My friend Neil and I standing in the Mediterranean, Me with hemp growing in Pakistan, and me playing a very serious …
With my work at the CBC, I struggled with explaining the value or ROI of certain tools or mediums, others are much easier.. Take TV for example. We can measure the lift of traffic to the website for any given advert. We were able to successfully measure the lift in …