We’ve now arrived in Japan. The weather has been clear, but cold when we first arrived. The house was 5 degrees! and with no central heating it took a long time to get comfortable. Significant work has been done, and not cheaply, to ensure that it’s a home we’re comfortable in.

I am getting up early due to jet lag and so I’ve spent the past few mornings walking around the neighbourhood before everyone else gets up. Fubasami is a lovely town, although I must admit I am unsure where the town is. It’s not like Osoyoos which has a very obvious downtown lined with businesses. There are several communities nearby. Clusters of houses which are similar to sub-divisions.
The are here reminds me a little of Cultus Lake with it’s large coniferous trees. Unfortunately the trees are in full reproduction mode so the pollen is actually visible, and everything has a yellow “dirt” on it.

The roads are also very narrow. I saw a Chevy truck yesterday, an American sided one and it looked ridiculously big compared to the Japanese cars. The wheels literally spanned the entire parking spot which the Japanese cars all still had room to open the door to get in and out.
I walked to the nearby Shinto shrine in the early morning to pay my respects. With trees this big you want to ensure to stay on the good side of the spirits. If one of those comes down it’ll crush the house.

Spring is here in Fubasami. The cherry blossoms “sakura” and plum blossoms “ume” are out. We have several of these in the garden. I also have yuzu and kiwi growing the yard which will be interesting, since I have never grown either of those before. I have been reading up on them and they prefer acid soil so I will need to get some fertilizer over the next week or so.
I will post a garden tour later once things get a little greener.