My brother and sister in law took me to Ashikaga Flower Park which was absolutely amazing. We arrived in the evening, around 6 but the park was completely lit up and still super busy.

The first thing we thing we saw was the most amazing wisteria I have ever seen. This thing was massive and the canopy extended out like you wouldn’t believe. Apparently it is 150 years old, and all I could think of was the amount of time and care this tree receives.

The entire park was full of wisterias and other flowers. The air was cool and sweet with the fragrances.
There were so many different flowering trees. One of them matched something we have in the garden so I took a photo of the label so I could look it up and its apparently a “lagerstroemia indica” a flowering myrtle. I am excited for it to bloom.
There were lots of other flowers as well, poppies, roses (which were not blooming yet but should be in a couple of months), snap dragons and a numer I didn’t recognize. It made me with my friend Andrea was there since she would not only know what their common names were but also their Latin names!