A co-worker sent me this article because he likes to see me get riled up. The article is about a company called NebuAd which claims it has balanced the privacy/advertising dilemma.
“Mr. Dykes said NebuAd requires ISPs to ask their customers whether they want to opt out.”
First of all Opt-out should be illegal. Remember when Rogers tried to do the negative billing, “We will give you the full cable package and charge you for it unless you tell us you don’t want it.” I am pretty sure some exec lost their head over that little fiasco.
“CEO Bob Dykes said Internet providers representing millions of customers run NebuAd’s system to let it gather information.”
So the system is already running and millions of people have chosen to not opt out. Okay… go on.
“The only ISP known to be working with NebuAd is Monroe, La.-based CenturyTel Inc., which has 530,000 broadband subscribers.”
AH HA!! You said there was millions of people using it but only one known ISP is using the service. So that would mean at least 500,000 people are having their activities tracked without their knowledge, or Bob Dykes is a liar. I wonder which it is?