So the writ hasn’t even been dropped and the political parties have started with the mud-slinging immediately. Personally I was surprised it turned ugly so fast but if nothing else this promises to be entertaining.
First up was the moral outrage of the PC party which decried the Liberal promise of a tax credit for companies which hire new Canadians. The PC’s quickly criticized the policy instead opting for a policy which allows wealthy immigrants get into the country easier by dropping the investment amount required to gain citizenship.
While I think both ideas have merit, I am a disappointed with the stunning comments on the CBC:
“With this platform, the discrimination of Canadian citizens has officially arrived.” – D U K E,
“Affirmative action, Equal Opportunity Employment, etc. is all racism and unconstitutional.” – milljack
“the usual discrimination by ahole politicians v real Canadians.” – thedingo8
“He is going to pay companies $10,000 to hire anybody but you. I think that’s wrong and it shows a premier who is just out of touch.” – Tim Hudak
Stunning pieces of humanity. I desperately wanted to troll that if you’ve been living in Canada for decades, or were born here with all it’s opportunities and advantages and still couldn’t find a job that chances were it wasn’t the immigrants it was you. But I resisted and wrote it here instead, actually it was too tempting, I did post it but it probably will get blocked.
The Liberals aren’t the only victim’s of the mudslinging either. The Liberals attempted to attack the head of the NDP for getting within a metre of cyclists.
The sad thing is the driver of the van is fine, giving the cyclists lots of space. The account that posted the video HazardousHorwath Was just created today, as were several of the accounts with comments which agreed with the premise of the video. Looks like this one might backfire on the Libs.