Give a man a fish and he eats for a day…

Give a man a fish and he eats for a day…

…Give him a loan to buy a boat and he can feed his whole village.

So a lot of what I do on this blog is bitching. I bitch about my government and being discriminated against. I bitch about movies and games, I bitch a lot but the reality is I have it very easy and I know it. Just sometimes I forget. It takes something pretty special to shock me out of my self-pity. This website did it.

It was mentioned in a presentation by Seth Godin today and I was absolutely amazed. People can donate money which is loaned to a person in a developing country who is trying to start, or grow a business. The person is expected to repay the loan usually within a year People who donate get a profile page and updated on the people who they donated the money to. You can see how your money changes someone’s life!

I just signed up.

Here is former president Bill Clinton explaining it.

And the President of Kiva, Premal Shah.

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