Brilliant turning lane in Vancouver
As a cyclist here in Toronto turning left is one of the hardest things. partly because you are probably going to have to cross streetcar tracks but also because the cars don’t really seem to respect you. Frequently I will cross the intersection and flip my bike 90 degrees and …
More Cycling photos
I recently purchased some photos from Sport Zone Photography operated by Peter Hein. I was delighted to find photos of myself cycling but dismayed at how fat I look. *sigh* There is a goal for next season. So my first season racing has come to an end. I enjoyed myself …
FIFA 2013 is the best FIFA
I love video games, that is no surprise, and one of my favourite video game collections is FIFA by EA Sports. I have editions 2010 to 2013 and have had the same striker, same team, same features throughout all. The new FIFA 2013 is by far the best soccer game …
Head butt one ass hole Italian…
and they make a scuplture of it. One of my all time favourite Family Guy clips featuring a birthdaygram from Zadine.