Author: <span>david.hamel</span>

Learning Experience

Five years ago I tried to start a business with a former co-worker and friend. The idea was to create an online dating website for Ukrainians. They are the 3rd largest ethnic group in Canada. I designed the site and built the front end, Roman did the paperwork and Chris …

Into the Wild

I might be a little late to the party, but I just had to write something about “Into the Wild“. I saw the film this weekend with my sister and her partner. Both of them are consummate outdoors men and having spent my fair share outdoors we were all moved …

Responses to boycott.

So far only one company has bother responding to my boycott, Omega.  I got some automated replies, but so far this is only real response. Dear Mr Hamel, Thank you for your e-mail and for sharing with us your concern about the situation in Tibet. We truly respect your opinion; here is …

Shame on you.

My collegue and I were chuckling at the state of affairs in the US right now.  Eliot Spitzer is about to get crucified and I can say, with a little bit of schadenfreude, is I am glad.  The self-righteous are always fun to watch fall. The part that kills me is …