Author: <span>david.hamel</span>

We’ll miss you Gary.

Gary Gygax recently passed away.  For those who don’t know Gary Gygax, he invented Dungeons & Dragons.  I read his books from cover to cover, and spent many hours playing with Curtis, Kevin, Bonnie. I am pretty sure I owned this copy of the book too. Following the announcement of his death and as a …

We’ll miss you Gary.

Gary Gygax recently passed away.  For those who don’t know Gary Gygax, he invented Dungeons & Dragons.  I read his books from cover to cover, and spent many hours playing with Curtis, Kevin, Bonnie. I am pretty sure I owned this copy of the book too. Following the announcement of his death and as a …

A data-driven life.

I wish I lead a data driven life. There is something very… reassuring about data. The numbers are, what the numbers are. As a business it is very easy to see how data can be inserted into the day to day managings. “Gee, providing our customers with a users manual …


So a few of us went to our company party dressed as the Village People.  Personally I felt I should have been going to the Black Eagle. The event was fun but one thing I find really difficult is being in a room with loud music.  I suppose I am …