Police guilty over Menezes case
It would seem at even on the other side of the pond they have issues with their police forces. Police everywhere seem to have an issue with how they exert their authority, especially in a difficult situation. Here in Canada it is no different – see the whole Vancouver Airport …
Taser saga continues…
Paul Pritchard, from Victoria BC recorded the taser incident of Robert Dziekanski in the Vancouver airport. He claims that it is of excellent quality and that the He has gone to court to force the RCMP to return the video or at least a copy of the video. Police have …
God Hates Westboro Baptist Church
CNN reports that the father of a slain marine won a court battle where he sued the Westboro Baptist church. Al Snyder sued the whacko religious freaks after they picketed his son’s funeral with signs that read “God is America’s terror” and “Thank God for dead soldiers.” There are lots …
GAP – Employing children everywhere.
The Gap just got caught employing child labour in India. Here is a link because I won’t go into the details of the accusations. Rather I would like to make some suggestions for Marka Hansen, the President of GAP North America. First off pay for each of these kids to …
Tragic case worth watching.
Mr. Dziekanski was a 40 year old Polish construction worker who was on his way to be reunited with his mother, who had saved up the money to help her some immigrate to Canada to start a new life. Sounds like the start of the story for many families here …
Yoshirolla Kilomantra update
So we have exactly one month left in the yoshirolla kilomantra contest, which ends September 10th. In a last ditch effort to climb in the rankings I have created 4 new pages. In keeping with my breaking the words yoshirolla kilomantra apart into the component syllables I have created the …
Crash me baby!
One of my co-workers posted this gem on the Web dev blog, which actually came from another blog, Command Line Warriors. It is basically how to crash IE in just 5 tags and a CSS declaration. <style>*{position:relative}</style><table><input /></table> that is it. Put that in your code and it will crash …