Category: Life
Anything that is to do with my life that doesn’t fall into work or play
Taking the plunge
Zuimei and I have finally taken the plunge and purchased a house in Japan! As part of my joining the FIRE movement, and trying to break free of the financial bonds that tie us down we’ve purchased a house for considerably less money than it would have cost us here …
On Toronto Gun Control
Doug Ford opposes ban on handgun sales in Toronto. No surprise there. He represents the right-wing neo-conservative movement we’ve seen in the states. City Council made the request of the feds and provincial governments and it passed 41 to 4. The usual suspects opposed: Michael Ford (DoFo’s nephew), Giorgio Mammoliti …
The time my mother almost died
So I am three sheets to the wind as they say as I write this. Listening to Anthony and the Johnsons sing “If it be you will” so take that as you may. I had a conversation with my coworker and dear friend Himani about death and fate. She lost …
Porn Extortion Email Scam
I received an extortion email today. And at first I got all excited. That pit in my stomach like when I was a kid and I’ve done something wrong and I can’t avoid punishment.
I’m gay and I would blame Doug Ford for avoiding Toronto’s Pride Parade
Josh Dehaas just wrote an op-ed piece in the National Post entitled, “I’m gay and I wouldn’t blame Doug Ford for avoiding Toronto’s Pride Parade.” In which he sadly denigrates the very community he claims to be from. I assume it’s probably to drum up populist readership. What is apparent …
I’m gay and I would blame Doug Ford for avoiding Toronto’s Pride Parade
Josh Dehaas just wrote an op-ed piece in the National Post entitled, “I’m gay and I wouldn’t blame Doug Ford for avoiding Toronto’s Pride Parade.” In which he sadly denigrates the very community he claims to be from. I assume it’s probably to drum up populist readership. What is apparent …
Thoughts on retirement
I’m mini-retired. I quit my job and I’m just living off of savings. I’m not working at all, but it won’t be permanent, so it’s not semi-retirement but “mini-retirement”. It might seem a bit ludicrous; leaving a job that paid well, had good benefits and allowed me to work with …
I think we might be screwed
I really liked the show “The Newsroom”. And this clip in particular sticks with me. I want out of Ontario. It is a terribly run province and after years of Liberal rule under McGuinty and Wynne I don’t think it can recover. In the 14 years I have lived here …
A Silk Road Odyssey
Also found during my clean up was an old student traveller magazine. I had written an article on tea, and how every culture consumes tea except for the North America where coffee is king.