Cool websites you should look at
Here are some cool websites have collected and wanted to share. Enjoy.
Cycling, video games, movies, anything I consider play
Here are some cool websites have collected and wanted to share. Enjoy.
I have no idea why but I have been thinking of making this list of songs for AGES! I am not sure why I think sunshine songs deserve their own category. It’s like songs about roses, or the color blue. There is just something universal I guess. Anyway, here are …
I recently had what I would consider a good firing. There were a few outstanding pieces of pottery, lots of okay ones, and a few duds. It was successful in part because of advice shared with me by Ikeda-san. I met Ikeda-san through one of my students and this is …
I just got an email from Strava informing me that that my subscription was going up $40/year. I’ve been a customer for over 10 years. Needless to say I promptly cancelled the subscription. I can abide an increase. The cost of everything goes up. But a 67% increase without explanation …
So I have a crisis in my two tanks. It seems some of my fire shrimp have a parasite called ellobiopsidae. It manifests itself as a green moss looking thing underneath their abdomen. The danger here is if it spreads it can kill all the shrimp in the tank. So the …
Just a simple video of the planted fish tank in my office after it’s first trim.
At Eternity’s Gate I love watching Van Gogh films; Loving Vincent, Lust for Life, The Yellow House, The Life of Vincent. Van Gogh is the archetype for the suffering artist and the more you learn about him, the more incredible his work becomes. Best known for the exorbitant sums his …
Sometimes you just need to watch something that doesn’t make you think. A movie that just makes you fell good, entertains you or is just silly. These are my go to films that are fun and enjoyable. Fifth Element The Fifth Element stars Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman, Mila Jovovich, Ian …
I came across an article in my news feed from regarding artist’s contracts and resale royalties. In it it describes how an artist added a clause to the sale of his art that stated royalties were to be paid to a charity if the work was resold. It also …
I fired the kiln for the first time today. Zuimei had bought the kiln online for around $1200, and is a very large gas kiln. We had to get a crane to move it into place. Weighing in at 800 kg it was not easy to get into place and …