Category: <span>Play</span>

Thanks Matt!

  As I continue in my creation of my own glazes I look to other potters as a source of information.  Matt Fiske’s Blog was one of the first sites I hooked into and in short order I read every post.  I highly recommend you check it out.  You can …

Witch Doctor

A critique on the pseudo health sciences? Great video though. De Staat – Witch Doctor (Official Video) from STUDIO SMACK on Vimeo. Oh little sicky, seems to be the pain? Got all these herbs don’t mean a fucking thing I am the witch, with the magick tricks Mistrust the white …

Top movies

I started making a list of the top movies for me personally. It’s difficult because there are so many movies I love and movies that were important at certain times in my life. Here is the first installment of my list. 1) The Darjeeling Limited Directed by Wed Andersen Starring …