Back on the Bike!
I am back in the saddle. I am very excited t be back on the bike. This was actually my fifth ride. My goal was to be back on the bike by September and dammit I was. It takes more than a bus to stop me. It was a rainy …
Cycling, video games, movies, anything I consider play
I am back in the saddle. I am very excited t be back on the bike. This was actually my fifth ride. My goal was to be back on the bike by September and dammit I was. It takes more than a bus to stop me. It was a rainy …
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros – Child The video for this one is haunting. The man is nearing the end of his life, and his wife (who has already passed away) comes back to him as she was when they first met, and as the man passes away he …
Calabogie was the second “O” Cup in the Ontario road race season, and it was supposed to be my race. I came in 12th there last year (my best result to date) and I expected to do as well this year. Things got a little muddled up, partly because of …
The first race of the season is always a gong show. After a long winter riders are eager to get back on the road; and those who have put in countless hours on a trainer are keen to show off their new legs. Most riders show up with their winter …
My wheels. This year I will be racing on my Ksyrium Elite wheels for crits and perhaps some road races. They are holding up well and I like the ride.. They are clinchers, but if I should crash they should survive (probably better than I will). For the distance rides …
Went riding on Saturday with Chris and Wallace since the weather was unseasonably warm. The melting snow made the road filthy.
I found a great subreddit last night It reminded me of something my mother told me when I was a child that has stuck with me. “Only boring people are bored.”
As a cyclist here in Toronto turning left is one of the hardest things. partly because you are probably going to have to cross streetcar tracks but also because the cars don’t really seem to respect you. Frequently I will cross the intersection and flip my bike 90 degrees and …
I recently purchased some photos from Sport Zone Photography operated by Peter Hein. I was delighted to find photos of myself cycling but dismayed at how fat I look. *sigh* There is a goal for next season. So my first season racing has come to an end. I enjoyed myself …