Category: <span>Play</span>

The day art died

Art died in April 1917.  We can thank Marcel Duchamp for that.  His urinal in Society of Independent Artists exhibit in 1917, signed R. Mutt was the final nail in the coffin. I bring this up now because other artists are still kicking that corpse. Take the London Duo Jake …

We’ll miss you Gary.

Gary Gygax recently passed away.  For those who don’t know Gary Gygax, he invented Dungeons & Dragons.  I read his books from cover to cover, and spent many hours playing with Curtis, Kevin, Bonnie. I am pretty sure I owned this copy of the book too. Following the announcement of his death and as a …

We’ll miss you Gary.

Gary Gygax recently passed away.  For those who don’t know Gary Gygax, he invented Dungeons & Dragons.  I read his books from cover to cover, and spent many hours playing with Curtis, Kevin, Bonnie. I am pretty sure I owned this copy of the book too. Following the announcement of his death and as a …

Spore is coming!

I just received a notice in my inbox that Spore is coming!  It is scheduled to be released September 7, 2008.  I have been waiting so long… The actual release video is a big disappointment, showing little of the ingenuity or creative flair that the game promises.  This screenshot shows …