Category: Stuff
Anything else that is just stuff.
Transit Etiquette Posters
Some transit etiquette posters from around the world. Most are from Japan (awesome zombie ones) & The TTCC – the Toronto Transit Civility Commission.
Why the other line moved faster
This video from the Engineering guy explains why it always seems as if the line you are in at the checkout is the slowest. It also makes a recommendation for a single line serviced by multiple registers which, oddly enough I noticed Winners has started using. Merry Christmas!
The great shame of North America
We have yet to make this right… bullying, simple bullying.
It gets better
Given the number of young gay people who committed suicide in the US recently a campaign was started entitled “It gets better”. Started by Dan Savage It includes councilmen. It even includes President Barak Obama And corporations such as Google. And there is a cute bear at the end:
A new Hans Rosling presentation on TED!
Here is one of the most entertaining presenters with stats. (I know an oxymoron or what, eh?)