Category: <span>Thoughts</span>

The Wartapes

I just watched the wartapes and I must say it is a great film. It is very interesting to see how these guys react to being there. If you are hoping to watch a war film with action and explosions, this isn’t it. It is the honesty with which Spc. …

Good to hear

David Brown, who heads the task for on Governance and Cultural Change in the RCMP recommended that the RCMP get overhauled. This is good news because they obviously have some serious issues. CBC has a video clip explaining some of the suggestions including an omsbudsman for front-line officers. While this …

The end of democracy

Naomi Wolf warns about the 10 steps that despots take to take over and create fascist governments. And in case you didn’t think it was happening, or you think of it as a whacko leftist conspirancy…follow the links. Step 1: All would-be dictators invoke a terrifying internal and external …

Piling on the lies

RCMP officer Dale Carr, of the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team claims that Robert Dziekanski was still alive when the medical teams arrived, CBC reports. He claims that after officers tasered him repeatedly and knelt on his neck and head (remember we have the video), that they monitored Dziekanski. “As soon …

Stupid peasants

Now, I’m not normally racist. In fact I like to think with my vast travelling experience I have a pretty healthy view of the world. I have seen how the other half lives so to speak. When I read things like “Thousands demand teacher’s execution in Sudan” it makes me …