Crisis in the tank!

Crisis in the tank!

So I have a crisis in my two tanks. It seems some of my fire shrimp have a parasite called ellobiopsidae. It manifests itself as a green moss looking thing underneath their abdomen. The danger here is if it spreads it can kill all the shrimp in the tank. So the first thng I did was separate the shrimps. (I have see two so far). However, my shrimps also have had babies so I am hoping if I can beat this they will continue to be productive.

A search online has some suggestions but many people are recommending they get euthenized and that they will die anyway.. I am not going to give in without a fight though. Some of the alternatives include a salt bath, or dosing their food with medicine. I am going to try several treatments and see what happens.

More importantly I will keep an eye on the rest as well.

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