I’m sorry

I’m sorry

Part of my self-improvement program involves saying “sorry”.  Most self-help programs such as AA or NA involves acts of contrition.  In AA you have to go to everyone you have wronged and ask for forgiveness.

So, I ask for forgiveness and promise to try and do better.  My poll, while not exactly scientific shows I am guilty of three or four ugly behaviors.  The most ugly is passing judgement on others.   So while I cannot do anything about the past, I can work on getting better.

For the next week I am going to try and be mission neutral, that is I will try and not judge people while interacting with them.  If you catch me judging, then please give me a heads up and I will try and correct my behavior.

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  1. Nicole

    I forgive you, Dave.

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  2. Nicole

    I mean, I forgive you Dave. Without the comma.

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  3. Renee

    Oh yeah, what are you sorry for?
    Do you even know? That is the true test, are you willing to explore the wrongs you may not yet acknowledge or understand?

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