I hate bugs. Yes I realize they are an important part of the eco-system, but why can’t they realize I AM NOT part of that eco-system. Period. I belong to the cafe eco-system, the urban eco-system.
I woke in the morning to find, no lie, a thousands mosquitos surrounding my tent. They were just hanging out waiting for me to leave the safety of the netting. I believe that my breathing had attracted them. Not that my breath is minty fresh right now, but that the carbon dioxide is attractive to them. So they would get between the fly and the actual tent and look for a way in. Little bastards.
I carefully unzipped the door, just a little, and grabbed the deet. After dousing myself in this foul chemical I ventured forth to meet my awaiting fans. I had to breathe through my nose to keep from inhaling them, and squint my eyes so they wouldn’t fly in. I packeed as fast as I could and was thrilled to get on the bike. I noticed on the way out that none of them were attracted to Justine’s tent. Hmmm….
On the ride I was attacked by black flies whenever I stopped. These insideous little bastards will burrow into some hidden area, like under your collar, and chew away. They actually draw blood! Something in their bit however prevents you from feeling it until they are long gone, and then WOW does it hurt! I have several bites that look infected, which wouldn’t surprise me. The noseeums are so small thery are hard to see (hence the name) but you know where they are because it feels like someone is burning you with a hot pin.
Anyway I made it to White Lake Provincial park and the actual park is 7km off the highway! I knew there was nothing else there so I just blasted on through to the town of White River, which made it a long day. There is no campsite in town so I was “forced” to get a hotel room. Gee shucks.
Distance: 188.7
Time: 9:05
Max: 59.2