Everyone dreams of leaving their job with a big blowout. Most of us are just too cowardly to burn those bridges because we want/need the references and are too afraid of consequences.
Steven Slater, a “former” flight attendant for Jetblue, quit his job with such flair and explosi-tude (explosive attitude) that he’s made international news. The story is that as the plane he was working on was taxi-ing into Kennedy Airport some douche-bag started grabbing his luggage from the overhead. After the man ignored requests to sit down, Steven got up to to deal with this unruly passenger who, in the process of yanking his bag down struck Mr. Slater in the head. The passenger then unleashed a tirade of verbal abuse on Steven.
Steven, in response gets on the P.A. “To the fucking asshole who told me to fuck off, it’s been a good 28 years. I’ve had it. That’s it.” He then grabs a beer, pops open the emergency door, grabs his carry on and rides the emergency chute down to the tarmac.

Steven then jumps in his car, drives home, screws his boyfriend and gets arrested while having sex.
And the twitterverse loves him for it!
@jmavro Yeah he is! RT @mgethin This #jetblue flight attendant is my hero.
@rionharmon a @jetblue flight attendant curses out fliers on pa system, exits flight by emergency slide, is a badass http://usat.ly/9VWo2f
@ilovegobbluth RT @MoRocca: JetBlue‘s Steven Slater is mad as hell & not gonna take it anymore. Our generation’s Howard Beale!
@acoyne RT @maryvallis: Everybody dreams of having guts like the JetBlue flight attendant’s:http://bit.ly/bzMZPx #jetblue
@MaisonDBM RT @doctorfroufrou: Someday, I’m going to go all @JetBlue on my patients.
Now it’s called “Pulling a Jetblue” and as for Mr. Slater, he is facing 7 years in prison for criminal mischief and reckless endangerment. Although I highly doubt he will see any jail time. Steven has been taking care of his dying mother, so understandably he has been a bit frazzed lately. A judge would have to be pretty heartless to do recommend jail time.
No word yet on whether or not the douchebag passenger will be named. I hope so because anyone so rude and selfish deserves to have their name published.
Steven, you’re my newest hero, and if you need some money for a defense fund I will happily chip in!