Office Lottery Pool
I participate in the office lottery pool. I know better. I work in analytics and I understand statistics. Lotto max consists of 7 numbers each of which can be 1-49. This leaves some 85 million possible combinations. However, they say because you have three chances to play the odds are …
Je suis Charlie, Je ne ai pas peur
Charlie Hebdo published it’s cover amid world wide attention, and it’s largest run ever – a million copies. The cover depicting Mohammad with the phrase “All is forgiven” shows the French resistance to anything smacking of tyranny. Canadian publications including the Star, the Globe and Mail and the CBC have …
Dream coming true
I have frequently thought that one day I would become a potter. I remember working with clay back in high school and loving it. That was 25 years ago. It’s funny how long some things take. This Christmas I received a potters wheel and kiln from Zuimei. I am literally …
Some days I have to remind myself that recovery is a process. And for the days I can’t, I just try to be like this bull. Fuck ’em. Fuck ’em all.
Winter Cometh
We got our first taste of a Newmarket Winter this morning. My slog in the early morning hours to catch the train. A brave dog owner forged a path ahead of me. Will get out the snowblower when I get home tonight.
Top Posts of 2014
I didn’t write as much in the past year. It was probably one of the toughest years I have ever faced and for awhile I wasn’t sure I could keep it together. Dealing with the results of a PSA the year before I had a biopsy on my prostate and …
Ramble on
This will be a rambling post. it doesn’t really have a message or purpose other than a way for me to get my thoughts down. This is what my soup-strainer ended up looking like. I had a successful Movember campaign. I managed to raise almost $700.00 which was a lot …
My Dad and I
These photos are of my father and I at roughly the same age; I think he is 39 in this photo and I am now 41. Same moustache…LOOK AT IT!