Dave Hamel's Website

The waiting is the hardest part

So I am still waiting to see a urologist.  It’s my own fault. Medcan offered an appointment with one of their urologists but I wanted Dr. Singal.  He reviewed my men’s health chart and is a recognized leader in the field.  Plus he tweets. However I greatly over-estimated my resilience …

The problem with Toronto isn’t Rob Ford…

The problem with all this isn’t Rob Ford…it’s Ford Nation.  Ford Nation is simply the manifestation of greed, NIMBY-ism, and selfishness wrapped in a political movement.  They are the closest thing we have to a “tea-party”.  I  had a friend actually say to me, “Ya but he took on the …

The problem with Toronto isn’t Rob Ford…

The problem with all this isn’t Rob Ford…it’s Ford Nation.  Ford Nation is simply the manifestation of greed, NIMBY-ism, and selfishness wrapped in a political movement.  They are the closest thing we have to a “tea-party”.  I  had a friend actually say to me, “Ya but he took on the …

And then I was 40… (Part 3: Medcan Clinic continued)

As always I returned to the lounge after the mole mapping.  This time the physician who came to get me took me to another office to discuss the Men’s Health Risk Assessment.  This was basically a discussion to see if I understood what was involved.  I said that I was …