Lance confesses? Now I have heard it all
It’s a good thing I am not a betting man because I would have bet that there was no way in Hell Lance Armstrong was going to come clean on the doping. He had spent a decade doping, involved hundreds of individuals, won 7 Tour de Frances and viciously attacked …
Started the Spring Classics A Little Early
Went riding on Saturday with Chris and Wallace since the weather was unseasonably warm. The melting snow made the road filthy.
Ramen Step 2 – The Noodle
If you were to divide Ramen into three parts it would be the broth, the noodles, and the toppings. The noodles are the bulk of the soup and crucial to producing good tasting Ramen. Preferrably I hand-make my Ramen and to be honest still don’t feel like I have it perfect …
Top Posts of 2012
I always get a kick out of looking at my own analytics. Mostly because my blog has no focus and you never know what is going to stick and what won’t. To be honest it doesn’t really matter what sticks since I don’t write any of this for financial gain, …
Ramen – Step 1: the broth
So I have decided to become an expert on ramen. This wasn’t exactly a rash decision. Zuimei is talking about opening a ramen restaurant so I figured I should see what is involved in making it. I also went around to the various Ramen restaurants in town. I will rate …
Mexico in Toronto!
I haven’t done one of these in awhile, and it might be the sangria writing but I had an amazing afternoon. To start off we went to Frida and Diego at the AGO and then we went for an amazing Mexican dinner at Playa Cabana. I will get into the food in …
Weight loss is hard
Losing weight is a struggle and I have struggled with it most of my life. I inherited my endomorphism from my mom’s side of the family. My Dad can eat almost anything he wants and doesn’t seem to gain weight. I on the other hand have to count calories. As …
Mental Health and the National Discourse
In North America, unless you’ve been under a rock you’ve been inundated with news about the tragedy in Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut. As is common after these tragedies people try to find a reason, they attempt to make sense of the insensible. There are talks of gun restrictions …