The biggest scam
You know what the biggest scam is? Cell phone screen films. Seriously. I just bought a Samsung Galaxy 4G infuse, which is a very impressive phone. (Just having something with a battery life longer than an hour is impressive after my ageing iPhone.) However, the stupid thing came with a screen protector. …
The Darjeeling Limited
This is one of my all time favorite movies. I watched it again when I was flying back from Japan. If you haven’t seen it I highly recommend it. It has a subtle humour and is a little bit quirky. To be honest it reminds me of my relationship with …
Steve Jobs missed his chance to make a lasting impression
Steve Jobs wasn’t a great man. Hell I’m not even sure he was a good man. There is no denying his business acumen. On that account he was a genius, but as Uncle Ben once said, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Steve Jobs created some amazing products, along the …
Open letter to BAC
Dear Bank of America, Are you fucking stupid? Are you trying to go under? I just read your going to charge customers $5 to use their own fucking money. It is your privilege to be their bank. That’s right, a privilege! Customers in the US have more choices than those …
Scumbag Facebook
Awhile back Chris Berry and I had a conversation about the state of analytics and tracking and where the industry is going. We were both concerned that analysts were going to screw themselves by tracking information they had no business to. And that it was just a matter of time …
Mongolia! by Wiisa
mongolia! from wiissa on Vimeo. When I see this, it reminds me how much I miss Mongolia.