Dave Hamel's Website

A case against personalization

As a Web Analyst the supposed holy grail of data usage and optimization is personalization.  Disregarding the whole PI issue for the time being, the notion of a website that uses data to optimize itself to you; that tailors itself to your interests is awesome.  Think of all the sites …

Sony PSN Breach: Fukushima of Privacy

Recently Sony shut down it’s Playstation Network due to an intrusion into it’s customers’ personal information. Names, addresses even credit cards were taken. With 75 million+ PSN users affected, it is one of the largest breaches of confidential user information in history.  As Chris Berry said to me, this is …

The six things I learned from eMetrics, “they” don’t want you to know about!

My first eMetrics is over and wanted to post some of the learnings I picked up, but first let me say how amazing it was.  I met some really interesting and smart people, too many to name really. I learned some new things and got re-energized about metrics.  It was …

The six things I learned from eMetrics, “they” don’t want you to know about!

My first eMetrics is over and wanted to post some of the learnings I picked up, but first let me say how amazing it was.  I met some really interesting and smart people, too many to name really. I learned some new things and got re-energized about metrics.  It was …