Analytics is an investigation
To be a good analyst you need to be an investigator. You have to have an inquisitive mind and question whether what you are seeing makes sense. It is too easy to collect numbers and say “this is the truth”, but the reality is it is never “the truth”. Let …
Of Personas and Market Segments and Testing
As Chris Berry noted in his recent post on personas and market segments, the intent is to impart a sense of empathy. While I would agree with this statement I think there is even more to it. Personas should evolve. That is, as new information comes to light that information …
House renos
So Zuimei and I bought a house and did some renos to it. I wanted to show some pictures because when I was looking for ideas there were not a lot of examples of redone fireplaces. I thought I should include some here for others to reference. You can find …
Thoughts on evolution
I have been think a lot about evolution and how it can be applied to many different things. For example, human nature. Are people artuistic because of social pressures, religious fear or promise of reward, or is there a evolutionary root in which those individuals who engaged in altruistic behavior …
Cocina Lucero – Disappointing!
Zuimei and I went to Cocina Lucero for dinner last night and we were very dissappointed. We had seen the show Restaurant Makeover and thought it might be fun to try one of the places on the show. Instead what I realized is there is a reason these places need a …
Radiohead – Harry Patch (In memory of)
A haunting song by Radiohead dedicated to the last UK verteran of the first World War, Harry Patch. Canada’s last surviving veteran is John Babcock. You can find a list of the verterans here
At least you’ve got your health
So I had a physical yesterday. I haven’t had one in a couple of years. I guess I subscribe to the idea that “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”, and why looking for trouble? Still the smarter part of me still takes control once in awhile, and I booked …
At least you’ve got your health
So I had a physical yesterday. I haven’t had one in a couple of years. I guess I subscribe to the idea that “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”, and why looking for trouble? Still the smarter part of me still takes control once in awhile, and I booked …