Why the Toronto strike will be a loss for workers
Whether you feel the striking CUPE workers in Toronto are right or not, you have to conclude that the striking workers will lose. No matter what happens in the end, whether they go back voluntarily, are legislated back to work, or strike until their demands are met, the (wo)man on the front lines loses. The problem unfortunately is a simple matter of mathematics.
How Iranians can change the rules of democracy
When I look at what is currently going on in Iran, I cannot help but think of Tienanmen in that spring of 1989. In both bases the populace was attempting to send a message to it’s government about what it wanted. However in 1989 China was able to effectively shut …
Don’t be afraid
This is Neda. She’s dead. She was shot by a coward from a rooftop while watching a protest with her father. I have not linked to the video because somethings you cannot unsee. At 19:05 June 20th Place: Karekar Ave., at the corner crossing Khosravi St. and Salehi st. A …
Don’t be afraid
This is Neda. She’s dead. She was shot by a coward from a rooftop while watching a protest with her father. I have not linked to the video because somethings you cannot unsee. At 19:05 June 20th Place: Karekar Ave., at the corner crossing Khosravi St. and Salehi st. A …
The joy of creativity
Where does creativity come from? I often look at people who are creative and wonder where they get it from. I think of myself as creative. But if asked where I get it from I probably couldn’t answer. Sir Ken Robinson, would suggest that all children are creative and that …
Remembering 6/4/89
Thousands of people gathering in Hong Kong to mark the 20th anniversary of the Tienanmen Square Massacre. What are we doing here for our so called democracy? Nothing. My friends are more concerned with the hottest video games coming out of E3 than remembering the sad events that crushed the hopes and dreams …
Myth of the iphone app
There is this idea that if you can build an iPhone app you can ride the next dot-com type wave to millions of dollars. Take the guy who made the iPhone app that tells you you’re rich and lets you know if anyone else with the same app is nearby. …
I miss her everyday
May 28th is a tough day for me. My mother, after a long battle with cancer, died on this day in 1999. She never got to see the new millenium, and today is the 10 year anniversary of her passing. Three years ago, when I was riding across the prairies I …