Dave Hamel's Website

Why the Toronto strike will be a loss for workers

Whether you feel the striking CUPE workers in Toronto are right or not, you have to conclude that the striking workers will lose. No matter what happens in the end, whether they go back voluntarily, are legislated back to work, or strike until their demands are met, the (wo)man on the front lines loses. The problem unfortunately is a simple matter of mathematics.

The joy of creativity

Where does creativity come from?  I often look at people who are creative and wonder where they get it from.  I think of myself as creative.  But if asked where I get it from I probably couldn’t answer. Sir Ken Robinson, would suggest that all children are creative and that …

Remembering 6/4/89

Thousands of people gathering in Hong Kong to mark the 20th anniversary of the Tienanmen Square Massacre. What are we doing here for our so called democracy?  Nothing.  My friends are more concerned with the hottest video games coming out of E3 than remembering the sad events that crushed the hopes and dreams …