Dave Hamel's Website

Settling in

We’ve now arrived in Japan. The weather has been clear, but cold when we first arrived. The house was 5 degrees! and with no central heating it took a long time to get comfortable. Significant work has been done, and not cheaply, to ensure that it’s a home we’re comfortable …

Packing Again…

I have begun packing again. As luck would have it Marie Kondo has started taking North America by storm. She has published several books and has a series on Netflix. I was a little skeptical when I started but there is definitely a method to her madness. In her show …

Off Facebook Again

Many years ago I joined Facebook, but then the beacon scandal happened and I deleted my account. And then about twelve months ago, just before the Cambridge Analytica scandal happened I joined again. And just like before I deleted the account. The first time I deleted it it was because …