Dave Hamel's Website

The day art died

Art died in April 1917.  We can thank Marcel Duchamp for that.  His urinal in Society of Independent Artists exhibit in 1917, signed R. Mutt was the final nail in the coffin. I bring this up now because other artists are still kicking that corpse. Take the London Duo Jake …

Things we know, we know

There are many things that one needs to explain to clients when discussing the implementation of a metrics plan.  I think all of these presentations should start with “WE DON’T GUESS” This is incredibly important to state.  We may infer, suggest and suppose, but we do not guess.  All of …

Homosexuality is not against nature

An exhibition on homosexuality among animals at the Oslo Natural History Museum has apparently been well received so far, despite initial indications of strong opposition. “Homosexuality is a common and widespread phenomenon in the animal world,” says an exhibition statement. “Not only short-lived sexual relationships, but even long-lasting partnerships; partnerships …

I am a bitter old man.

I was just looking at other people’s profiles in Kiva, to see what other sorts of people donate, and their personal websites are all happy with photos of children and penguins (don’t ask) and sunsets and kittens.  Mine is about bitching about the government.  Man, I gotta get happy.