Dave Hamel's Website

Shame on you.

My collegue and I were chuckling at the state of affairs in the US right now.  Eliot Spitzer is about to get crucified and I can say, with a little bit of schadenfreude, is I am glad.  The self-righteous are always fun to watch fall. The part that kills me is …

We’ll miss you Gary.

Gary Gygax recently passed away.  For those who don’t know Gary Gygax, he invented Dungeons & Dragons.  I read his books from cover to cover, and spent many hours playing with Curtis, Kevin, Bonnie. I am pretty sure I owned this copy of the book too. Following the announcement of his death and as a …

We’ll miss you Gary.

Gary Gygax recently passed away.  For those who don’t know Gary Gygax, he invented Dungeons & Dragons.  I read his books from cover to cover, and spent many hours playing with Curtis, Kevin, Bonnie. I am pretty sure I owned this copy of the book too. Following the announcement of his death and as a …