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Impotence pills right to your door. Christmas sale. Viagra 78% off Cialis 73% off
Gillian Gibbons, a teacher in the Sudan was arrested for having a teddy bear with the name Mohammad on it. Officials think she might be insulting Islam by naming her teddy bear after the prophet. How retarded is that? So what if she named it Mohammad. I can think of …
So I went to the protest against tasers and police brutality in Toronto on Saturday. There was about 300-400 people, the majority of which were Polish. Evident by the large number of Polish flags. I took several pictures of the police. A few things struck me about the protest. The …
The CBSA (Canada Border Services Agency) released its report on what happened to Mr. Dziekanski. You can read the report here: I think to be honest it raises as many questions as it answers. For example, the electronic records indicate that he passed through primary customs at 4:09 pm, …
I came across this cool site, The Morning News with some neat photo galleries. I swiped two of them to share with you and hopefully you will go over and check them out. This is from “Ursine” by Jill Greenberg. the appeal is obvious. Who doesn’t want a big furry …
So it seems I can never enter Japan again, which is a shame. I wanted to visit Fuji-San and see the cranes in Hokkaido but that can never happen now. Japan is going to fingerprint and photograph foreigners entering the country in a veilled attempt at anti-terrorism. I say veiled …
I have decided to start reviewing video games on my blog, heaven knows I play enough of them. I would like to think I am sort of an aficionado of video games. I won’t play any old shit, I’m not into niche games or cutesy stuff. “Hello fluffy Bubble kittens” …
I seem to be writing a lot about police and their actions, and perhaps it isn’t always fait to judge. For example CBC reports two cops in Calgary have been cleared of criminal charges stemming from an arrest incident. You can watch the video and decide for youself. The problem …
The National Post has an interesting article on tasers and the various lawsuits against the company that manufactures them, Taser International. A former employee, Pam Schreiner, claims that Taser has harrassed and intimidated her into silence over her witnessing Taser officials shredding incriminating court documents regarding the safety of their …