Porn Extortion Email Scam

Porn Extortion Email Scam

I received an extortion email today.  And at first I got all excited. That pit in my stomach like when I was a kid and I’ve done something wrong and I can’t avoid punishment.  The email explains they have installed malware on my computer and have a list of my contacts, and they created a video (presumably of me masturbating). The thought of my friends, family and colleagues receiving lurid videos and images, was disturbing to say the least.  But then it occurred to me, I don’t have a webcam.

 Also, “I’m an adult, who’s not ashamed of their sexuality.”  It reminded me of when the CIA and KGB tried to blackmail Indonesian president Sukarno with a “honey pot” sex tape and he apparently asked for extra copies.

Then I re-read the email and noted a few things, first the grammar is terrible.”Neither anyone has paid me to check you.”  I don’t even understand what they’re trying to convey here.  Next it doesn’t actually mention a website by name, just “x vids”.  And then the last two sentences contradict each other, “If you want to have proof, reply with Yes & I will send your video recording to your 9 friends. It is a nonnegotiable offer, that being said please do not waste mine time & yours by responding to this email.”

So…do I reply yes, or is that wasting your time?

And why send the video to 9 friends?  Why not just send it to me? 

I forwarded the email to’s abuse people.  Hopefully they can block the IP but I doubt it. I also looked to see if this is something to send to the RCMP but decided they have more important things to do, like get their shit together.  I did find a website with almost the exact same extortion email.

Turns out it’s just a scam based on my username and an old, unsophisticated password that would have been taken in one of the many data leaks that occur everyday.  The big lessons here are:

  1. Change your passwords regularly
  2. Use as sophisticated a password as you can. 
  3. Do not use the same password for multiple sites
  4. Never ever, ever send these people money.  Even if it was real, there was no guarantee that they wouldn’t still send the video out. And all it would do is help fund their criminal activities.



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