Doesn’t do this at all – 1
Does this rarely – 2
Does this occasionally – 3
Does this sometimes – 4
Does this often – 5
Does this all the time! – 6
- Claims credit that he doesn’t deserve; he overestimates his contribution to any
success. (1) - Makes Excuses, repositions his annoying behavior as a permanent fixture so people excuse him for it. (1.4)
- Clings to the past and needs to deflect blame away from himself and onto events and people from his past. (1.8)
- Plays favorites, failing to see that he is treating someone unfairly. (1.6)
- Refuses to express regret; he suffers from the inability to take responsibility for his actions. (1.8)
- Doesn’t listen. (2.0)
- Fails to express gratitude. (1.2)
- Punishes the messenger and attacks the innocent who are usually only trying to help him. (1.8)
- Passes the buck and blames everyone but himself. (1.2)
- Has an excessive need to be “Dave”, and exalts his faults as virtues. (2.0)
- Tries to win too much or at all costs and in all situations – when it matters, when it doesn’t and when it’s totally beside the point. (1.5)
- Tries to adding too much value and add his two cents into every discussion. (3)
- Passes judgment by rating others and imposing his standards on them. (3.67)
- Makes destructive comments; needless sarcasms and cutting remarks that he thinks makes him sound sharp and witty. (2)
- Starts with “No,” “But,” or “However” which secretly say to everyone, “I’m right. You’re wrong.” (3)
- Needs to tell the world how smart he is. (2)
- Speaks when angry and uses emotional volatility as a management tool. (3.33)
- Is Negative, or uses “Let me explain why that won’t work” a lot. (2.75)
- Withholds Information, refuses to share information in order to maintain an advantage over others. (1)
- Fails to give proper recognition and has the inability to praise or reward. (1)