Toronto the Inconsiderate

Toronto the Inconsiderate

Toronto has been know by a lot of different monikers; “Center of the Universe, Hog-town, the Big Smoke, the 416” and more. “Toronto the Good” has always been one of my favorites. A reference to Toronto being a bastion of 19th century moralism.

However, lately I am finding it to be Toronto the Inconsiderate. It is simple things that I find troublesome. Like people blocking the sidewalk while waiting for a light change. Making no effort to move out of the way of people trying to get through. Not to mention the cars that block intersections and side walks even though there is no room for them. I was listening to this podcast which talked about how in densely populated areas people live in their own bubble. And that they may seem unfriendly but really what they are doing is showing that they respect each others bubbles of isolation. But does this lead to selfishness, or at least inconsideration of others? I think so.

For example, people not removing their backpacks on the subway, then giving dirty looks when others push past them. Or not moving into the streetcars but rather standing by the doors staring at their phones and getting pissed off when people push past them and bump the phone. I am not sure why these things are happening. Am I just noticing them? Or are they actually getting worse?

I see tons of garbage thrown around on the ground. Garbage bins with their contents strewn about. Is it homeless looking for resources? Is it raccoons? I listen to this meditation app while I walk to work and at one point the narrators asks about “How would it feel to run your hand along the buildings’ surfaces?” And all I can think is, “sticky.” The sidewalks along Yonge street are an obstacle course of dogshit, vomit, urine, sticky drinks and god knows what else.

It may just be culture shock having come from Japan where there are no garbage cans but very little garbage. Where people are as isolated in their own bubbles are we are here yet somehow able to be considerate of each other. I wish we could get back to that.

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