Why does my government continue to promote discrimination?

Why does my government continue to promote discrimination?

We would like to believe that Canada is a country of great equality and openess, however our government and their agencies continue to promote homophobia. The Canadian Blood Service has for a long time, been particularly reticent in it’s discrimination. I am a universal donor, type O, and don’t use any drugs (excluding caffeine), don’t smoke, don’t drink and I am probably a bigger prude than most of the donors out there, yet I am barred from donating because I am gay. Paris Hilton on the otherhand, who most people would acknowledge as a skank, can freely donate because she is straight.

In fact part of the tainted blood scandal which cause the collapse of the Canadian Red Cross, which used to collect blood was because of they purchased blood donated by prisoners for money in the US. Gee, not like they’re a high-risk group or anything. My family was particularly affected after recieving a letter that a family member might have recieved this tainted blood, and should be checked for HIV and Hepatitis C.

Just as frustrating is the fact that if I am going in for scheduled surgery I can’t store my blood in advance, and I can’t donate to a specific family member, if they need it. (both of which would alleviate the blood shortage),

Now Health Canada has decided that gay men should not be able to donate organs. Again the same fear of AIDS is being used as the consideration for this descrimination. Rather than attempt to stop people from donating based on risky behavior they find it easier to just cut out a whole segment of the population, because hey, “everyone knows gays are promiscuous.”

I would like to see them change their policies (obviously) however barring that I would like them to stop advertising how desperate they are for blood and organ donations.

Beggars can’t be choosers.

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